Faith seeking understanding.

Northwest Iowa’s first K-12 classical Christian school. Coming to Alton, fall 2025.

Is The Classical Academy right for your family?

Attend one of our upcoming information meetings or explore our website to learn more.

Or, contact us, and our team would gladly follow up with you to explore what a classical Christian education might mean for your family.

“Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.”

— G. K. Chesterton, What’s Wrong with the World

Cultivating Christian piety

In covenant with families and churches, The Classical Academy of Sioux Center (TCA) cultivates Christian piety by directing students’ minds and hearts toward Christ, in whom all truth, goodness, and beauty hold together. We seek to develop a culture of joy, wonder, and gratitude through classical education in the liberal arts tradition.

What is classical education?

Learn more about the distinctives of classic education, which is principally concerned with the formation of the person.

How does TCA covenant with churches and families?

Character formation, the proper ordering of our hearts and minds, requires culture and community as much as curriculum.

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Educating with the end in mind, we’re committed to both virtue of intellect and virtue of character for all our students.